Our 2-year-old class has a ratio of one teacher to every six students. We provide a two-day option only. (There is a $50 non-refundable registration fee). (Note: This class is not available for the 2024-2025 school year.)- Two days per week (Tues/Thu) 9am - 12pm: $2,750.00/school-year*
- Two days per week (Tues/Thu) 9am - 12pm: $2,250.00/school-year*
- Two days per week (Tues/Thu) 9am - 2pm: $3,050.00/school-year*
- Three days per week (Mon/Wed/Fri) 9am - 12pm: $2,750.00/school-year*
- Three days per week (Mon/Wed/Fri) 9am - 2pm: $3,950.00/school-year*
VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten)
We are also proud to offer free VPK to 4-year-olds living in Charlotte, DeSoto and Sarasota Counties. Your child must be 4 years old by September 1st of the current school year and toilet trained prior to enrollment. Enrollment options for 4-year-olds are:
- Five days per week (Mon thru Fri): 9am - 12pm: Free
- Three days per week (Mon/Wed/Fri): 9am - 2pm: Free
Like our preschool, our Kindergarten quality exceeds the standards. We are a traditional** (aka: "old school") Kindergarten! Children must be 5 years old by September 1st of the current school year. There is a ratio of one teacher to every twelve students. There is a non-refundable $275 registration fee.
For children who just may not be quite ready for Kindergarten, we have a Transitional Kindergarten.
- Kindergarten: Five days per week (Mon thru Fri): 8:45am - 2:15pm: $5,500.00/school-year*
- Transitional Kindergarten: Five days per week (Mon thru Fri): 8:45am - 12:15pm: $3,400.00/school-year*
Please note: Your child must be fully registered before beginning our programs. Please contact us for registration requirements.
Hybrid Homeschool, K thru 5th grade
Beginning with our 2022-2023 school year, we started homeschool classes for Kindergarten through 3rd grade; 4th and 5th grades were added for the 2023-2024 school year. Modeled after 'hybrid' or 'co-op' homeschools, we partner with homeschool families to provide on-campus instruction Tuesdays and Thursdays, using curriculum (Saxon Math, Abeka, Sadlier ELA programs, Learning Without Tears, and The Good and The Beautiful) and lesson plans that we provide to use in their homeschool Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There is a ratio of one teacher to every twelve students. There is a non-refundable $275 registration fee. Please contact us for more information.
- Kindergarten through 5th grade: Two days per week (Tue & Thu): 8:45am - 2:15pm: $3,400.00/school-year*
*Prices are subject to change. Tuition is based on an annual rate, with the option to pay in 10 monthly installments. Please call for details.** Traditional in the sense that teaching is more hands-on, age-appropriate, active learning, with less "in your seat" time.